The Girl In The Little White Dress



Praise for The Girl In The Little White Dress:

“KASIA NIMOCKS Takes us on a powerful journey of reality, struggle, and victory! May the Lord help the reader to enter into a new realm of thankfulness as they explore “The Girl In The Little White Dress.”

–Art Wilson, Pastor of The International Church of Metro Detroit 

“The Girl In The Little White Dress is beautifully written. Kasia is transparent and candid as she opens up about the trials and triumphs of her life. This book is a reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. I recommend everyone to not only add this to your library but share it with someone else.”

–Myron Wideman Jr.  Associate Pastor of Dekalb United Pentecostal Church Atlanta, Georgia 

“This masterpiece, The Girl in the Little White Dress is well written and will leave you longing for more. Plunge in! You will thoroughly enjoy the ride.”

–Margaret M. Banks, of Author of The Five Principles of Power Prayer & Evangelist – New York

“Kasia’s storytelling had me laughing so hard on a Sunday afternoon! How she wove humor into such a touching story was nothing short of brilliant. With her vivid descriptions you felt like you were walking the streets with her, barefooted… going to Mass Charles .. to fix that shoe for the nth time.. I won’t spoil the book for you. You just have to read it!”

–Dr. Chiagozie Fawole ~ New York 

“It is a special gift when a book is written that does not only contain a wonderful message but the author is a living embodiment of the message.  Kasia has written such a book. It’s a story of God’s grace and reach.  It shows how God can reach anyone from any walk of life and reveal His love and grace. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to smile, laugh and allow His love to reach you too.”

–Donny Willis, Pastor of Westchester Church, New York

“The Girl In The Little White Dress increase your gratitude and your faith.  The stories contained in this book promise to move you to laughter and tears. This book will impact your life in a positive way. I highly recommend this gem to you.”

–Steve Smith, Pastor of Faith Apostolic Church Tennessee

“The Girl in the Little White Dress is extraordinary. Once you read it, it is guaranteed to bring you new hope, encouragement and strength especially in these difficult unsettling times. It brings upliftment and will boost one’s appetite for a deeper relationship with God.  It will gut you, open you heart, inhabit your spirit and leave you utterly change. It’s not just another great book but one that will stop you in your tracks, challenge your faith muscles and provide a stimulus for your faith. It’s a book of hope. It will make you desire a deeper friendship with the Holy Spirit and make you smile again.”

–Talina Payne, Teacher ~ St. James Jamaica W.I.

“A riveting and exhilarating journey of faith told with the authentic voice of a true believer Kacey. An introduction into the inner sanctum of struggling with poverty and depending on God in ways that are extra-ordinary but palpably real. Very accessible, thought provoking and a moving depiction of God in action without frill or fancy. The story of Kacey vividly underscores the necessity of having one’s personal encounter with God which will forever change you.”

–Dr. Vaughn E. Whittaker ~ New York


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