In here, your heart matters. Come on in.
Find inspiration & Hope.

Author/Singles Relationship Coach

Hi there!

Welcome! My name is Kasia Nimocks and I am your singles coach/ consultant & advocate. The Single Coach is a ministry created to empower, uplift and encourage singles and women to live fulfilled lives through the leading of the Holy Spirit.  

Before God connected me with my husband a few years ago—I lived a ‘completely single life’ by the leading of the Holy Spirit in the best possible way. Of course I struggled too but God helped me to navigate well and do the season well. Relationships are our most valuable possession. There is one relationship for which you were created. This is the most valuable pearl of all. It is worth selling ‘everything’ in order to get hold of it. Matthew 13-45-46. I exist to help you get there. 

Recent Posts

The key to having a healthy relationship is learning how to love God and yourself first. Matthew 22:77-39


Single Evolve 1

Why it is important for you to evolve?


Relationships Fundamentals 2

Why relationships works and why they don't?


Relationship Rewire 3

Why how you think matter?

Work With Me

Do you feel stuck in your relationships, lost, lonely, hopeless, uninspired and need some inspirational coaching, mentorship? Are you unsure of what to do next because you haven’t tapped into your full potential yet? Coaches, are meant to help you get clear goals, pummel obstacle, and get lasting results. Interested? Maybe single relationship coaching is right for you! I would love to fellowship and coach you as you navigate; what suppose to be a wonderful, fulfilling, purposeful and sweet journey.