
Showing all 11 results

  • 1 0n 1 Coaching


    5 sessions

    Monday tru Friday~

    • Do you want to just talk about your life…I will listen?
    • Do you wish to talk about broken relationships so you can heal?
    • Do you want talk forgiveness – you really need this to move on?
    • Need a talking companion – I’m your girl
    • If you’re an introvert let me talk and you can listen or vice versa


  • Discovery Session – Singleness & Identity

    • 3 coaching sessions

    -Lets talk about you

    -What frighten you

    • I suffer from self-esteem issues
    • I don’t love myself
    • I’ve experienced so much hurt
    • I’ve suffered childhood trauma
    • I don’t love my body
    • I hate my hair & my skin color
    • I feel ugly

    Duration : 60 MIN

  • smiling, woman, african american woman

    How To Be A Happy Fulfilled Single


    -24 sessions ~ payment plan available

    -6 months

    -weekly 1 on 1 coaching, text, phone calls between sessions

    • For those looking to completely transform the way you think and feel about being single.
    • How to free yourself from relationship bondage
    • How to prepare for your God ordained marriage
    • Breaking soul ties
    • Living free from relationship hurt
    • Maintaining a healthy mind and body
    • Developing healthy relationship habits
    • And more

    Duration : 45 MIN per session / 6 MONTHS 

  • smiling, woman, african american woman

    How To Be Completely Single


    -12 coaching sessions

    -12 weeks

    -60 mins of live coaching twice each week + and one bonus 45 mins phone call

    -Great for self driven individuals with a desire to get married and to understand why its importable to be COMPLETE singleness first

    -What God said about being single and  being married


  • How To Break Free From Soul Ties



    Duration: 45 minutes 

    If you feel stuck in a relationship cycle and can’t seem to get over that one person:

    • You might have a soul tie…Lets talk about how you breaking you free from it
    • Lets talk about how to identify the signs of a soul tie and what is a soul tie
    • Lets talk about the prayer you need to pray and steps you can take to be completely free
  • How To Hear God’s Voice


    Duration: 55 minutes

    This session includes:

    • Scripture lessons to help you understand how God speaks
    • How to discern God voice from your voice and all other voices
    • My personal testimony of the times God spoke to me (how I knew it was God)
    • How to hear God voice today in this difficult season
    • How to be daily led be the voice of God
  • How To Know If He’s The One


    Duration: 60 minutes

    • Session includes my personal story
    • How to know when the season is right
    • Who will God send
    • Who’s the one?
    • How to identify your husband/wife
    • How to discern real from reel and who’s the counterfeit
  • How To Navigate Being Single


    -2 coaching sessions


    -phone call to evaluate any energy blocks that are holding you back from understanding and accepting why you’re single

    -How to embrace your y single season


  • I Feel So Alone & Lonely



    For those who feels alone and struggle with loneliness. No need to be shy about it…I struggled with being alone and loneliness for years.

    • How to overcome loneliness
    • What you can do to combat loneliness
    • What to do if you live alone
    • What God said about being alone
    • What’s the difference between alone and loneliness


  • My Single Purpose


    -6 sessions

    ~6 weeks

    -45 mins /wk

    ~Phone call to talk about your God given purpose + singleness

    • Great for persons who find it difficult to cope and balance life while being single
    • Purpose & Destiny ( whats your field ~ career calling)
    • Godly relationships Tips (How to identify counterfeit for marriage)
    • Healing, deliverance  and forgiveness for your soul
    • How to daily walking by faith



  • One Year Self-Improvement Journey Coaching


    -12 MONTHS ~ Payment plan available ~ Available in January 2021

    -Self-Empowerment life coach/mentor – wake-up phone call, daily prayer content, scriptures & inspirational quotes, daily sessions

    -Encouraging content to help you thrive and grow in your walk with Christ. Tips to help you look and feel better about yourself

    -Tips to help you plan your day, week/months

    -How to eat healthy. How to add value to yourself

    -Talk to me. Talk truth. Unmasked. Heal… etc

    Duration : 30 minutes