The Girl In The Little White Dress

Welcome everyone to the Girl In The Little White Dress….

My Story is one of Amazing


Here was a young girl whose life was painted with the ugliest kind of poverty and fatherlessness… no clothes, no shoes, penniless and hopeless whose life was TRANSFORMED only by Jesus and His saving power!

Who am I now? I’m a story teller, a wife, a business owner, and singles relationship coach. My life has completely changed! And I’ll never get tired of telling the world how and why!

It’s been a labour of love writing this book series ~ A Journey of Faith, “The Girl In The Little White Dress” book #1 you can order right away on Amazon

To be really honest, it was just yesterday I was met was an impossible situation. I cried, hollered and bawled until my stomach hurt😭
The truth is I didn’t know what to do nor what to pray…and it was in my prayer time I heard God say, “Kacey, you wrote a book full of compelling testimonies with miracles I’ve done before, go back and read over your book again.” God is such a sweet comforter.

I began reading again and I saw the evidence of what God has done in my life before and my faith was encouraged.

We are living in difficult times. Everything is hard and trying. Perhaps you are struggling with the thoughts that you should be further along in your life and you’re not. Failed expectations overwhelm you. You feel stuck — stuck in life, sabotaged by circumstances. You feel like your whole world is crushing down and you wonder “Where is God?”

God is in the midst of the chaos.

The Girl in The Little White Dress will tell and show you that God is in the midst of the poverty, the pains, the depression, the broken marriage, broken relationships, your financial setbacks, the disappointments, the scars, the losses, the turmoils, the darkness, the weakness, the divorce, the hardship and the loneliness that you’re going through right now. We all know it’s hard to feel God’s goodness and love in the midst of all the chaos of Covid19 but He’s there.

His 2020 vision for your life has not changed.

His 2020 vision for your life has not changed. He’s going to come through brethren, God will COME through… and I know without a doubt that the Holy Spirit will minister to each and everyone of you through every single chapter of this masterpiece.

I know this 📚book will activate your faith. I know it will help you find hope again. I know it will help you to find strength and purpose. I know it will bring joy and laughter because all is not lost. Hope thou in God and have faith. (Hebrews 11:1)

The official release date will be the end of September 2020. Here are some excerpts from stories you loved on facebook from the book…

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It’s not that I’m fashion crazy, oh no! It’s simply because I never had much of anything to begin with. 

Like I’ve mentioned to you before, I grew up stricken by poverty…I didn’t have any shoes for many years, and to add to that dilemma, I only had one little white dress.

My mother would wash my one little dress every Saturday for Sunday school. I wore it with such pride and self-confidence.

It had frills at the hem and buttons in the back. I had no ribbons to match, no clips; only a few bubbles with the elastic band  all stretched out. But oh boy, how I loved my one little white dress.

“Every Sunday I wore the same dress to church.”

One Sunday morning I went to Sunday school and little Ms rich Josey with her comrades of gossip girls, laughed, giggled and whispered about my ‘one’ worn out dress. She said, “Every Sunday I wore the same dress to church!!” I was very appalled though only seven years old. Hearing her discriminate against me hurt my little heart. The tears😭welled up in my heart and came running down my face the moment I got home and reiterate my story to my mama.  Mama encouraged my heart like she knew something I didn’t. I love my mama.  She said, “Sophia, one day massa God is going to bless you, you won’t have back to wear all your clothes.” To me, it sounded like a hopeful verse right from the book of Psalms. However, I pondered her words in my heart. (continued in the book) order book on amazon


I grew up in Trelawny, Jamaica in severe poverty. I was only seven7️⃣ when I first heard 📣the audible voice of God. I remember waking up that Tuesday morning with my big toe hurting like crazy. I had gone to school the previous day barefoot👣 simply because I was too poor to afford a pair of shoes. 👟And yes, I bucked my ‘big toe’ really bad😭. So, as I sat there that Tuesday morning on my mother’s broken bed and I busted out crying!😭and asked God:

“Why am I poor?”

“Why was I born out of wedlock?”

“Why don’t I have a father?”

“Why don’t I have any clothes?”

“Why don’t I have any shoes?”

The Lord responded right away by drawing my attention to His written Word.

I was prompted by God to read the book of Psalms and I quickly located my little green New Testament Bible. I opened at once and fortuitously opened to Psalms 27:10 “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.” I was flabbergasted! 😳I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I simply heard God’s voice, “I’ll be a father to you my daughter.” The trajectory of my whole life changed that day. (continued in book) order my book on Amazon


I was most certainly obsessed with long hair-no lie🤫. I simply longed for a head of long, curly-lock goodness! Was that too much to desire? An old wives’ tale claims that if you leave your comb by the riverbank, a mermaid might find it and comb her luxurious hair with it. After you retrieve the comb and use it, they say, your hair will grow as long as the mermaid’s hair. So, throughout my childhood, I would pray to find a mermaid with whom to leave my piece of broken comb.

Everything seemed to be broken in my home, including my hair. Since I didn’t know exactly where to locate any mermaid, I found myself begging God to please make me wake up with long flowing hair. I waited for years and years, and God never did answer me at the time I needed Him to. God I’m still mad (just kidding). Yet, how silly of me to blame God!

For years, we only had a piece of broken mirror, so I couldn’t see the full contour of my face. (Contour is a word I learned from my husband, Mr. Jacob, when he was trying to woo me. Ha!) I couldn’t see my whole head all at once, but I could definitely see my beautiful big nose that I inherited from mama along with her cute big heels.

At some point growing up, mama shared my birth story with me. It left me startled because mama said that when I was born, out of all eight of her babies, I had the most hair. But unbeknownst to mama, her little girl was struggling with the way her hair looked and felt. She had no idea I was going to my bed every night praying and begging God to make my hair grow long and beautiful.

As I got older, I didn’t see how what she told me could possibly be true, because, from my perspective, I had hardly any hair on my head to be combed. Regretfully, I have no baby picture for proof (we were too poor to own a camera), so I had to take her word for it, and I believed her every word because she’s my mama. I love my mama.

All I saw a pickey pickey head little girl

Mama said my hair was beautiful, but when I looked into the piece of broken mirror, all I saw was a picky-picky-head little girl. Of course, when I looked closely enough, I would also see blood-sucking lice crawling around on my head—and a microscopic view would reveal the nits. These vermin would spread all over my little scalp and suck and suck. So grotesque! Ladies edges have to be on fleek today but nothing about my edges was laid or on fleek. I had no edges, no hairline only had black pepper grains.

My hair was constantly dry, loaded with cakes of dandruff but yet it was suppose to be the best hair. I was very puzzled over this claim. On the other hand if I did have ‘good hair’ like Chris Rock puts it, where did my good hair go?🤔 Well according to mama’s anecdote; poverty stole my good hair. Poverty stole what? The audacity! The thing is, we never had the proper hair amenities like shampoo and conditioner, we couldn’t afford those stuff. That’s was only for rich folks.

Don’t called what’s dormant dead

God is so filled with humor. And I’ve always believed you mama. Moral of the story, don’t call what’s dormant dead. Don’t call a temporal situation permanent. Don’t call what God didn’t label DEAD, dead! Call out to your dry bones to come alive!! God can resurrect your dead situation today. Call out to Him for HELP and believe!!And bear in mind, God will not do for you what you can do for yourself, like growing and caring for your own hair. That’s on you.By the scent of water shall a tree🌳sprout again.Job 14:9 (pre-order book on amazon)

Look at my resurrected hair 1999 vs 2018 (continue reading inside book ) order your copy on Amazon

Instead of leaving me a comment here…If any of my stories over the years have ever encouraged and inspired you in anyway… please click on any of the links in this post, please order my book and leave me a short review. Thanks a million!

Xoxo Kacey