Dear Christian Singles From Around The World…

Let’s have another moment of truth. I’m So Sick And Tired And Sick And Tired Of Seeing My Single Sisters Hurting.  I’m so sick and tired of seeing my unmarried sisters hurting over some guy-she thought was going to be her husband someday… this has got to stop sis. 

First of all…if God can sit down and talk to Abraham about His plans for Sodom & Gomorrah…by all means, God can tell you who your husband/wife is going to be…deep seated relationship with God can do that.

I must be real and honest because when you hurt I hurt too…

I don’t mean to be braggadocio, nor do I mean to offend nor hurt anyone…but if I must testify of what He’s done for me to encourage your hearts…then I must be real and totally honest because when you hurt I hurt… you feel me.💁🏽‍♀️ 

Upon patiently waiting on God for 13 years — God told me three months prior before meeting Mr. Nimocks. He told me three times that He was sending him. 3 whole months in advance—so I could plan & prepare some more be his arrival…and then He confirmed it with the people whom He placed in my life — destiny helpers!

Stop claiming husbands that’s aren’t yours. If God never tell you he’s or she’s the one—no need to start a relationship…no need to sleep with him, no need have his children, and don’t make any plans for him. Don’t do it! 

Let me have another moment of truth with you…when I was only 13 years old I sat down on a rock stone in my mother’s dirt kitchen. And as she talked with me about her past and life, I listened in deeply…As she talked with me she cried because all eight of us came into the world out of wedlock and fatherlessness! She bawled 😭😭eight of us came into the world out of wedlock and fatherlessness! She bawled that she had to raised us up alone in poverty…I comforted her and we cried together. I love my mama that she had to raised us up alone in poverty…I comforted her and we cried together. I love my mama💕

Right there on that rock stone—I evaluated all she said and all that happened to her. I then made a conscious decision—a very conscious decision… that no man under the sun will touch me unless God said he’s my husband.

I lock my heart that day and gave the key to God

So what do you think I did? I locked my heart that very day and gave the key to God. I lock it so tight that not even likkle breeze couldn’t get in. I said God I trust you with my heart because I don’t want to be hurt and abused by any ungodly men like my mama.

I decided with God that when the time is right He would tell or show me who my husband is. I really don’t mean to be braggadocio but look down below 😬that’s what I trusted God for. The best! 

When I said my heart was sealed off, locked up and tangled up it Jesus…it was really hard for any man to find. 

For years no man couldn’t figure me out and it drove some crazy for me.

…Here’s a tip a royal tip ladies…be mysterious don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. Because my heart was buried in Christ like a buried treasures—anyone who need access to get in, had to get a map and then the key. So none could find my heart to hurt me.

There’s nothing like connecting with true love.

For those of you who are hurting right now!

I earnestly for you. I pray that God will heal you where it hurts…and completely restore and established you. 

Truth be told all my unmarried years I only suffered one brokenheart…and this happened foolishly on my part but God also allowed it because He had better plans. This story is for another time.

What I’m saying sisters is—you don’t want to get into relationships you have no business being in…When it’s necessary to be ALONE just be alone. It’s better for you to be alone and get closer to God—because, I guarantee you this day-the 10th of July 2020…that the Almighty Yahweh God will never, never caused you to go astray…in any relationship that He has ordained. 

When you give God the Key to your heart He will handle it with the ultimate care

When you give all your heart — not just part of it, He will handle it with the ultimate care.

  1. The Holy Spirit gave me the ability to discern every men I ever met. Sisters in Christ I was a ghetto single! The Holy Spirit is your relationship guru…you don’t need Eharmony nor Tinder to be honest… 
  2. He will never let you let anyone in who don’t belong. He’s keeping guard…remember! Hey oh hey
  3. God have more than one ways to tell you No or Yes…when God has the key to your heart He will never lead you to declare that your relationship status is ‘complicated’ when God initiate your relationship moves…they’re YES & No, no in between baby. God is a God of order.

Don’t wear your heart on your sleeves.

4. God don’t play games with our hearts but men do. The states of your heart is so important that He tells us to guard it. Protect it. Don’t wear it on your sleeves.

love, romantic, relationship
Love is designed by God

Let me stop here for today.

sunset, wedding, bride
Marriage is one of the most beautiful part of salvation
love, couple, romance
Let God write your love story

Ladies, ladies, God have given you so much dominion, authority and power but when you let these so-called men into you hearts, and into your bedrooms—you give the enemy ammunition & room to destroy you. And this is why you’re walking around feeling less than, worthless, empty, hurt, angry, suicidial and broken heart.

Please I’m begging you to lock up your heart—give God the key and trust Him to initiates and guide you to whomsoever your spouse is…this I ask of you…in Jesus name! 

If anyone can protect and keep you and your heart is the one who created you.

King Solomon said it best: “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23). This is necessary for a lot reasons: Because your heart is extremely valuable. 

Be bless. I love you
