
My name is Kasia and I’m always thinking two things: what God wants me to write about to edify His people and how to encourage  and inspire christian singles globally —especially my sisters in their walk with Christ and relationships. My concern for singles started many years ago with my very own mother who was single with eight children – she was never married. I saw first-hand how my mother was misused, used, and poorly treated by these men.

I was fatherless, I didn’t have any role model or anyone to teach me about men. Because of that I became afraid of all men. I started developing a distaste for all men. By the time I was thirteen my relationship with the Lord began to grow intensely.  God began nurture spirit through His Word. He cultivated my whole mind/life and played the role of my father. You could say knowing the Lord Jesus Christ was my first ever authentic relationship. He taught and showed me how I should be treated by men. On my eighteenth birthday, right after I ended an Easter fast, God told me He had a husband for me (I felt my heart drop to the middle of my stomach in shock-because I’ve never prayed nor have I ever ask Him in any dialog between us for a husband).

I never kept any boyfriends because God forbade me to (daddy’s rules).  So I remained completely single all my young adolescent years. When I turned twenty three, the Holy Spirit nudged me to start praying concerning my husband for the very first time (at first I had no idea exactly what to pray for but then the Holy Spirit taught me how – John 14:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit will teach, guide and lead us into all truth).  So we prayed, waited and watched (and when I said we I meant the Holy Spirit), ‘completely single’ for exactly thirteen years until I was properly cultivated by the  Holy Spirit.

One day while I was super happy being single and busy waiting and fulfilling God’s purpose mandate for my life, my husband joined us together. 

Before and during the cultivation process (which was super hard at times) God told me He wanted me to teach and equip my sisters on how to ‘wait completely single’ in order for them to prepare and obtain their God ordained husbands. Ever since then, I have been passionately teaching singles from across the globe how to purposely wait and how to walk completely single. I hope you decide to join me on this ever-changing exploration of personal growth and unique  journey. 

My Passion & Purpose

  • My passion is to teach and help singles find purpose and happiness while they navigate the season of singleness and to stir women into the path God has set them.
  • To help singles to always live intentionally.
  • To help singles to get in alignment with God’s Word, plan & will. 
  • To help singles master the keys of how to totally surrendered in their single walk —by not dating but by preparing to meet her husband. 

My Goals

Most singles have a goal to find love and happiness and the way you are taught to find it is to date, date, and date again. In doing so, many of you are left feeling hurt, abused, misused, cheated on, ghosted, gas-lined, lied on, beaten, unfulfilled, stuck, misunderstood, and always feeling furious and anxious about the next relationship. I’ve seen it from close friends and family members, and the general public, the side effects of what being in the wrong type of relationships can do. 

Keep in mind that I was once single just like you and I spent a few years struggling to be content with being single. I definitely wasn’t alway a happy single. I struggled with my sexuality, loneliness, waiting on God, and my self-identity. I am no different than you, there is nothing inherently special about me other than my single life was once a royal mess and the Holy Spirit helped me out. One day I decided that I was done with leaning to my own understanding. I prayed and told God He was enough and I don’t mind being single as long as He promises never to leave me alone. 

My goal is to help as many of you to come to that defining moment, by sharing my own journey and life-changing tools I’ve learned through my experience and from what God has taught me. I’ve allowed the Holy Spirit to guide me towards a beautiful life and happy marriage and not just a happy marriage but a ‘God ordained marriage.’

I’m grateful to live because this beautiful love life does exist. I believe that it’s time for a revolution-A Singles Revolution-a moment that empowers our society to see the highest potential in ourselves and each other. Love still EXIST amongst us.  I want you to see that ‘being single’ doesn’t define who you truly are.   You can be a completely single and completely happy simultaneously because you are a daughter of the King…and steadfastly walk into the relationship ordained.